Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

Draeger Safety the Measurement Devices For The Work In Areas Classified As Zone 0

A “zone 0” is an area in which an explosive gas/ air mixture is continuously present or present for long periods of time or very frequently. When entering such areas special caution is necessary and the corresponding protective equipment should be worn.

Dräger X-zone® 5000

The work in zone 0
If an area, which is classified as zone 0, has to be entered, only measuring devices and protective equipment which has an approval for zone 0 (X-am 5500) are allowed.
All instruments that are used (such as flashlights and radio equipment) must have the correct approval, otherwise the explosive gas mixture could be set a flame.

Confined Space Entry measurement of the zone 0
Often repairs or maintenances can not be performed in an explosive atmosphere. It is necessary to clean and ventilate. The area before entering it. Afterwards a confined space entry measurement is done. That means a measuring device is used to measure the air in the area and to make sure that there are no explosive or harmful gases present.
After the confined space entry measurement was successful, measuring devices and equipment with an approval for zone1 can be used for maintenance (e.g. X-am 2500, X-am 7000)
If a gas concentration occurs during the work, the work must be discontinued immediately and the endangered area must be abandoned by any personnel!

Monitoring of the work area
During work, the work area has to be continuously monitored. You can use personal air monitors for that, which the workers wear with them.
Alternative one measuring device can be used. Thereby the measuring device is eitherplaced in the area or the measurement is performed from outside with a hose and a probe.

For more information please contact Draeger Safety (Thailand) Ltd

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